
🖥️System Requirements

- OS: Linux - CPU: 8 Core(s) - Memory: 32GB - Storage: 500GB-2TB

Crossfi Mainnet Node Installation Guide

Welcome to the Crossfi Mainnet installation guide. This document will walk you through the process of setting up your Crossfi Mainnet node using a shell script from the Crossfi GitHub repository.


Before proceeding, ensure you have a machine running Ubuntu 22.04 with internet access. You should have basic knowledge of terminal commands and permissions in Unix systems.

Step 1: Downloading the Installation Script

The installation script is hosted on GitHub, allowing for easy and direct download using wget. Run the following command in your terminal to download the script:

wget -O

This command retrieves the script and saves it as in your current directory.

Step 2: Making the Script Executable

After downloading, the script must be marked as executable to run. This is a security feature in Linux that prevents unauthorized or accidental script executions. To change the script's permission, execute:

chmod +x

Step 3: Running the Installation Script

With the script marked as executable, you're now ready to initiate the installation. To start the process, execute the script by running:


The script will begin installing the Crossfi mainnet node. Follow any on-screen prompts to complete the setup. It's recommended to run the script as a user with sudo privileges to avoid permissions issues.

Post Installation

After the installation completes, your Crossfi mainnet node will begin syncing with the network. This process can take some time, depending on the network conditions and your machine's performance.

Thank you for following this guide. For more information and updates, please visit the Crossfi GitHub repository or the official Crossfi documentation.

Last updated