Crossfi Testnet Guide

Dear users, to test the Crossfi network, you need to visit

Before starting, make sure to acquire a MetaMask wallet by clicking the "Connect with MetaMask" button at ""

If your MetaMask wallet is ready, click the 'connect metamask' button.

Click on the "Connect" button.

Our network will be configured automatically; click on the "Confirm" button.

Change the default MetaMask Ethereum network to CrossFi Testnet Chain by clicking on the "Change Network" option.

Afterwards, sign the access permission to the website by clicking on the "Sign" button.

Our page will open. In the main panel, you can see the balances of the native currencies XFI and MPX as well as the primary token XFT.

Because the CrossFi Chain has a modular architecture consisting of two main parts, EVM and Cosmos, you will be able to see both your addresses:


Open Telegram.

Start the bot.

You are now authorized!

Every 24 hours, you can access 100 MPX and 10 XFI for Telegram Premium accounts and 1 MPX and 0.01 XFI for normal Telegram accounts. After receiving the coins, you can access the Earn XFT section.


To use this faucet, you must join our official Discord server here:

You will now need to go through the verification process. For this, expand all the channels in the "WELCOME TO CROSSFI" section and select the "#verify" channel.

Press the "Verification" button.

Enter the specified code and press "Send."

Congratulations! You are now a verified user.

To claim coins, you should go to the main panel of Copy your Cosmos address in the following format: "mx1…" and press the "Discord" button in the Faucet section.

Log in with your Discord account:

Select the XFI coin, paste the previously copied Cosmos address, and press the "Send to me" button.

Select the MPX coin, paste the previously copied Cosmos address, and press the "Send to me" button.

Every 24 hours, you can claim 25 MPX and 2.5 XFI.

XFT Earn

XFT Earnings Guide


Welcome to the CrossFi Chain network, where participation is rewarded with XFT tokens! This document serves as your comprehensive guide to engaging with the network and understanding how you can earn rewards through various activities.

Overview of XFT Token

XFT is essential for Transfer tasks and acts as an indicator of user activity. After logging into the console, verify that your EVM and Cosmos addresses in the test panel's main panel match those in the session console.

Tasks on CrossFi Chain

Daily and Unique Tasks

Currently, there are six available tasks:

  • Five are daily tasks that can be completed every 24 hours.

  • One unique task that provides a different set of challenges and rewards.

Sending Tokens

Standard Transaction: The "Send" function is a standard transaction type used in the Cosmos segment of the blockchain to transfer XFI and MPX coins. To execute this:

  • Enter the recipient's wallet address in the format mx1....

  • Specify the coin amount and fee.

  • Click the "Send" button.

  • Fees can be paid in either XFI or MPX coins within the Cosmos part of the blockchain.

Confirmation: To confirm completion, return to the XFT Earnings tab in the test panel and click the "Check" button. Enter the transaction hash, which you can display and copy from the main panel or find in the transaction history console, into the pad. Then, click "Confirm." The system will notify you once the task is successfully completed. Your XFT balance will be updated shortly, and this can also be done via the Keplr wallet.

EVM Transactions

You can also send XFI coins in the EVM segment of the blockchain, simply referred to as an EVM transaction.

  • Go to the EVM tab in the console.

  • Click "Send."

  • In the new window, enter the recipient's wallet address in the format 0x... and the amount of XFI coin.

  • Click "Next," then confirm the details and click "Send" to complete the transaction.

  • This can also be done using the MetaMask wallet.

Multi-send Tasks

Multi-send 1: This task requires you to send XFI or MPX coins to multiple addresses in a single transaction. Enter the first address, specify the coin amount, and click "Add recipient" for each additional recipient.

Multi-send 2: In this task, send MPX and XFI coins in a single transaction to different addresses or a single address by clicking the "+" sign, then "Send."

Token Addition

For token sending tasks in the EVM segment:

  • Go to the EVM section and click "Import Token."

  • In the new window, select the User token tab and enter the smart contract address of the XFT token: 0xDb5C548684221Ce2f55F16456Ec5Cf43a028D8e9.

  • Click "Next," then "Import" to confirm the token import process.

  • The token will then appear in your list, and you can click "Send" to transfer it.

  • This task can also be completed using the MetaMask wallet.

Bonding Tokens

Bonding Process: This unique task introduces you to the main function of staking MPX coins. Go to the "Staking" tab and click "Bond." You will see two tabs: "Active Validators" and "Inactive Validators." Active validators confirm blocks and mint XFI coins, while inactive validators are candidates ready to replace any active validator at any time. Complete the task by delegating your desired amount of coins to different validators. You can find basic information about validators in the search bar, and more detailed information on XFI Scan.

Validation and Rewards: After selecting a validator and entering the stake amount, click "Confirm." Your validator will appear in the list, and you can change it anytime by clicking "Reconnect" or withdraw your MPX coins by clicking "Disconnect." If the validator is active, click its icon to claim your rewards in the form of XFI coins.

Claiming Rewards

You cannot use your XFI rewards until you perform a Claim transaction. If you perform Bond, Rebond, and Unbond transactions with a selected validator, rewards will be automatically transferred to your balance. However, you will not complete the task in this case.


Participation in the CrossFi Chain network through these various tasks not only enhances your experience but also rewards you with valuable XFT tokens. Make sure to follow the steps outlined in this guide to maximize your earnings and benefit from all the features offered by the network. Happy earning!

Last updated